Articulation helps children pronounce sounds correctly. Through engaging activities and specialized techniques, we help your child improve their speech production, enhancing their clarity of speech.
Phonology helps children correct their speech sound errors. We identify sound errors and use fun, age-appropriate activities so that your child accurately produces speech sounds.
Early language development supports and enhances foundational language skills in children. We enhance early language development by helping your child achieve early milestones like understanding words, following simple instructions, building vocabulary, and learning to use gestures and words to express needs and wants.
Motor speech difficulties in children are challenges related to the physical production of speech. These difficulties arise from problems in the planning, coordination, and execution of the muscle movements necessary for speech. We use various evidence-based methods to help children improve their speech.
Social-emotional communication refers to the way we use verbal and non-verbal language and expressions to interact with others. We believe in a neurodiversity affirming approach in which our primary goal is to increase knowledge regarding social behaviours, never requiring or asking clients to mimic neurotypical peers, mask natural tendencies, or engage in disingenuous communication.
Augmentative and alternative communication (AAC) services encompass a range of methods, including low and high tech modalities, that help support children with severe speech and language difficulties to communicate more effectively. AAC includes a variety of tools and strategies that aid in day-to-day communication and help to improve language development and social interaction.